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2023-05-14 来源:文库网


 "And there"s a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on." My dad has always used this song to encourage me. Until he passed away, I still keep this song in my iPod and listen to it when I need to get through some tough time. To me, this song does not only symbolize the spirit of my dad, but also mine.
This song is ubiquitous in various singing competitions. Regardless of its singing technique, the beautiful melody and those meaningful lyrics has helped many people to get through obstacles. This fabulous song was composed by American singer-songwriter Mariah Carey in 1993, and definitely, performed by herself. The song mentioned that among every single one of us, a hero lies inside our heart. If we try to reach into our soul, our emptiness will disappear."There"s a hero, if you look inside your heart. You don"t have to be afraid of who you are." When I was small, I was a child who was so fragile and cried easily. I was afraid of everything! I was so this and small , and when my classmates bullied me, all I would do was lock myself in the bedroom and cry from dawn till night. Worse still, I was poor in academic result and no teachers loved me.  On these days, I found myself useless and believed that no one in this world would recognise this "small potato". I was so desperate...Yet, in one dark night, my dad knocked on my door and placed his hand on my shoulder. His hand was so large and warm. All I could feel was the love and hope transmitted through his hand to my shoulder, and to my heart and soul."Son, you should not be fragile anymore!""But I do not know what I should do...""Now, I am going to recall your hero from your soul, and from now on, you would never feel lonely anymore. My hero, and your hero have already stayed together and no one can take that away. Other people can say anything they want to say. Although they try to bring you down, you will never allow them to do so because you are the strongest man in the world. This hero will always stay close to you and protect you forever!"Afterwards, he sang this song to me. "Lord knows, dreams are hard to follow, But don"t let anyone to tear them away..."Since then, whenever I need to face any problems or obstacles alone, I will not be fragile anymore. All I need to do is sing "Hero" along with my hero and my father"s hero, and I will certainly know that my father will guide me where I should go. I know that there is a light in me and shines very brightly, and other people can try, but they can never take that away from me. 赞 (散文编辑:


