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You Are April in My Heart

2023-05-14 来源:文库网

You Are April in My Heart

To gaze upon the sky ,in the dark night ,a cluster of stars are saying ,that shining;And remember the things happened,all that ,like dream,remained regret. To look at the universe,anything changing makes up of something;And dream of the future,the unknown of unpredict contains lots of dreams. To overlook the life,booming buds of flowers in spring;And look around the earth ,new life is full of the world . It is April nowtrees of flowers are smiling;and flocks of birds singing,but never find the couple ,like us. Long long beforeward,we had a good time ;however ,myself,now ,no longer in the heart of you .瞻仰夜空闪烁的群星交织着话语忆起过往梦呓般的往事沉淀着感叹 遥观宇宙变幻的景象汇成着万物憧憬未来莫测的的未知编织着梦想 俯瞰人世成双成对的花儿点缀着一春天放眼望去新的生命气息散发在整个世间 值此人间四月天那一树一树的花开一群一群的喃呢再也找不出我们的模样 回首望去时光已定格在过往如今的我不再是你的人间四月天 赞 (散文编辑:
