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Fate is Tough, Toughen the Faith

2023-05-14 来源:文库网

Fate is Tough, Toughen the Faith

 Last year, the cancer nearly finished me off. However, with the accompaniment of my best friend, Candice, I could eventually get through these tough time. Sometimes, she is the only one who can always stand by my side.Last summer, the doctor discovered that I suffered from lung cancer. At that moment, I was completely shocked. All memories that I have had just flashed through my mind in seconds. I thought I was going to leave all my friends, my family, and all people I loved. To me, the whole world was just sinking.Luckily, that was just in an early stage and the doctor said that I had I great chance to recover after a series of treatments. But he warned me that the treatment would be very tough and painful. At first, I have considered to refuse the treatment. However, after I have though about all of my valuable friends and my mom and dad, I chose to take the chance.During the treatment, I gradually suffered from the side effects. The number of hairs on my head declined, and I vomited from dawn till night on every single day. I had a very poor appetite and I nearly had no desired to put any food to my mouth. I was very painful and I was thinking about giving up the treatment. I though I could not tolerate it anymore.However, with the support and encouragement from my best friend, Candice, I have  eventually made it through the rain and stand up once again. Finally, I recovered.One summer night, Candice came to the hospital to visit me. We sat on the bench that facing the sea. The sun was beneath the horizon and the night descended. We chatted underneath the stars."We have not met each other since the graduation!" Candice said with tears on her face."Yes, I have never thought we would have the reunion in the situation." I said.She kept silent with her tears in the warm gentle breeze."We have been best friends since we were small. I do not want this friendship to end up so soon." She cried desperately. "Zach, you are a man. You are a man who is courageous and adventurous. You should have that guts to fight for your life and people around you!""But...""Now, I am going to give you the courage you need." She lay her hand on me. "Lord, please give this little boy love and hope to face the obstacle that he is now facing! Please give him courage to help him to find the way!Now, you have already possessed the ability to fight this war. You should never give up as there is a light in your heart and shines very brightly!"Since them. I understand that when fate is tough, just toughen your faith! With a smile, I know I could face the future no matter what lay ahead... 赞 (散文编辑: