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2023-05-14 来源:文库网


《阿甘正传》是无疑一部成功的电影,在它问世多年后的今天来看,依然能给我们许多启发,让人感动。它是引人入胜的,它可以经得起时间的检验,它能让人几番回味,每一次观影都有新的感受。《阿甘正传》中有很多经典语录、励志台词。以下整理了电影中二十多条经典励志台词供大家阅读。   1、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。   2、You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.放下包袱,继续前进。   3、Shit happens!不好的事情发生了。
  4、It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was a million sparkles on the river.就像太阳在落山前映射在河口上,有无数的亮点在闪闪发光。   5、If there is anything you need, I will not be far away.只要你需要,我就在这里。   6、I am a man of my word.我是信守承诺的人。   7、Have you given any thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过呢。   8、There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。

