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2023-05-15 来源:文库网
API: An API is used to provide a secure and flexible way for the front-end and back-end to communicate with each other. It enables the front-end to retrieve content and data from the back-end, and vice versa.
Search Engine: A search engine is used to provide fast and efficient search capabilities to visitors. It indexes the website's content and data, and provides search results based on keywords and phrases entered by visitors.
Cache: A cache system is used to improve the performance of the CMS system by storing frequently used content and data in memory, so that it can be quickly retrieved when needed.
Load Balancer: A load balancer is used to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers and to ensure that the CMS system remains available and responsive even under heavy load.
This is a basic architecture for a CMS system, and the specific components and their implementations can vary based on the requirements of the specific project.
show the database schema about the cms system
- id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
- username (string)


- password (hashed string)
- email (string)
- role (string, e.g. "admin", "editor", "user")
- created_at (timestamp)
- updated_at (timestamp)
- id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
- title (string)
- content (text)
- slug (string)
- status (string, e.g. "published", "draft")
- author_id (integer, foreign key referencing users.id)
- created_at (timestamp)
- updated_at (timestamp)
- id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
- name (string)
- slug (string)
- created_at (timestamp)
- updated_at (timestamp)
- id (primary key, auto-incrementing integer)
- page_id (integer, foreign key referencing pages.id)