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The enterprise culture

2023-05-14 来源:文库网

The enterprise culture

 It is not easy to define what kind of meaning to the enterprise culture ,because the enterpise culture  stems  from the ration and reality,which should be related to the regulations or how to react to the risk of management or market instead of just focusing on training and meeting,which should be related to the proportion of thoughts of belonging to our company and benefitting our company in the difficulty. Sometimes,the puzzled people are always in the mess of understanding of why the itemized regulations could not optimize the operation and not regulate the action of some officials who always abused the power to benefit themselves,which lead to the argument that as long as the company is so large that the culture of enterprise is absolutly difficult to be built up . Different people with different education background and  different comprehension of society would not be integrated to the common recognition of enterprise culture which is the crux to help the company be prosperous .In spite of   training many officials ,there are lots of bottlenecks  which should be smoothed and holes which should be covered,so we must work out some measures to make   our company step on the right road . Regulations are parts of the enterprise culture, making the road straight,but what kind of regulations are suitful to the state-owned company ? The regulation are always   eroded by dereliction and are not always   strickly implemented by some departments. Frankly speaking,the enterprise culture is just having some aspects in consciousness frequently dominating the behavior,which would give us some reference on how to enact the detailed regulations could get the return as expected. The most important thing related to the enterprise culture is how to strengthen the consciousness in the every respect of operation .We must detail every process of how to control the cost and how to make the work efficient and rational. If employee could make their regulations rooted in mind,they would be on the right trace to keep them from dereliction and would try their best to devote the wisdom to benifitting our company.For example,The flaws in human nature and the shortage of wealth would seduce the officals to accept the secret money from agencies who are intended to pull down the officals by all kinds of tactics   and if the officals are too   fragile to resist the gifts,they would be united with agencies to cheat our company,so the task which brooks no delay is the education ,brainwashing, and making the severe punishment happen,without them,the enterprise culture is like the moon in water ,like the flowers in mist,like the stupid being called clever. What is the quintessence of the enterprise culture? It is easy or it is difficult to make a conclusion because it is a hard job to change people’s mindset which is always in the prejustice.So at first we must scrutinize the origin of the prejustice,why are so many people always just negating others ?because we are extremely lack of communication to understand with each other,lacking of wisdom to tell the right and   the wrong, lacking of the wide chest to tolerate the different ideas ,wnich lead to misunderstand among people and to form the impasse to flexibly resolve the thorny problem.There are some words similar and implicated with the word “ culture” in dictionary such as “communication,concoct,cooperation,coordination,copartner,control”,giving us some metaphor or euphemism that enterprise culture must depend on the communication,cooperation,must control the ridiculous behavior of some officials ,must concoct the atmosphere from stiff,suffocated environment to the active,creative,philosophical,philanthropic   state of mindset of everyone.But it is difficult to make the behavior spontaneously follow the bright side of human being just because of the fragile and selfish nature of people with some ignorant knowledge about themselves,so using the regulations to control the “devil” in their mindset and encouraging the bold attitude to resolve the present and history problem is the essential way of making the enterprise culture alive and giving the light to the  employee.  We must change the thoughts that we are isolated by others ,we are just living for ourself,we are just focusing on our private cases to the thoughts that if we can help each other,if we believe in the philosophy of strengthenning the consciousness of doing the job positively and wisely getting good return,we can achieve the goal of making our company profitful and competitive,even making our life happy. Why are the employee always having no enthusiasm and    lacking of a little responsibility in their job?why are there lots of complaint in our company?why are the talented people resigning quickly from our company?Yes the salary is the key,and having no feeling in cooperation,unity,belonging,and having not the promising future are the fundamental reasons which steamrollerred the spirit to be loyal to company,so putting the importance  of  employee  in  priority  is the way of having the high competition in this globallized  world. A healthy company is the one that urgently need the creative advices from employee in stead of closing their eyes,filling in their ears in front of the employee who may have some profound and pragmatic ideas which maybe benifit to the operation of our company.But how to distinguish the good ideas or the wrong must depend on the ability of the leaders who must look through everything,including themselves and  others,adding that  they must comprehend the logic of mindset and behavior of themself .To be leaders ,the open attitude is the good way to rationalize the management , adopting  the positive  way to eliminate the flaws in the structure and to attain the goal with “attacking “ the “black hands”,instead of always being in defensive measure of healing the fissure in management,that is deficient in courage and wisdom.It is also one part of the enterprise culture.Frankly saying,having good return to our company is dominated by the fate,by the hearts of all employee ,by the regulations,by the rational philosophy,by the authentic wisdom.  Service is the culture,it sounds like simple,but complicated and profound if you want to make it better and better. How to do service is the important culture of enterprise ,which could attract many people to take our flights again and again.We can ask a simple question that if you look up to see the twinkled stars in night,what make you comfortable?The answer is easy,the bright,the color make you feel comfortable,which can make us have some comprehension that if you make people’s body such as eye,ear,limbs,nose,heart feel nice,your service is the nice service,if you make the customers angry,you failed in doing service.So you must think over how to make the customers feel better is  the best way to learn how to give service to these arrogant and hypercritical customers.  Above all,We can understand that if you have regulations in your mindset which sometimes is selfish and stubborn ,and everyone would follow the regulations rooted in your heart,thinking of the company as your own,our enterprise would be promising.The safety and service is the crux to our enterprise,we must strengthen our consciousness to keep them in our mind and do our best to support it.【责任编辑: