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杨舒平辱华演讲内容 杨舒平charity个人资料

2022-01-03 来源:文库网

杨舒平辱华演讲内容 杨舒平charity个人资料

杨舒平辱华演讲内容 杨舒平charity个人资料

一大早的就被一段留学生辱华视频刷屏,当下民众的爱国心高涨,辱华必定引起轩然大波,这到底是怎么一回事呢?近日,美国马里兰大学的毕业典礼上,中国留学生Yang Shuping受邀上台演讲,这本来是挺值得骄傲的事。然而她的演讲内容却让台下的中国同学感到无比尴尬,传到国内来,更是让人大吃一惊。
I am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland, Class of 2017.
People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?
Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport. I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away.