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杨舒平辱华演讲内容 杨舒平charity个人资料(2)

2022-01-03 来源:文库网
I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.
No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression.
Every breath was a delight. As I stand here today, I cannot help, but recall that feeling of freedom.
At the University of Maryland, I assume feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful — the fresh air of free speech.
中国的空气肮脏不堪,而美国“fresh and sweet”的空气竟然好到令她无比惊讶。中国没有democracy, 只有在美国她才体会到什么是democracy和自由,在美国她可以想说啥说啥,想做啥做啥。

杨舒平辱华演讲内容 杨舒平charity个人资料
